Tuesday, January 31, 2006

It Can Go 6


Specifically Ads for Anything
That Can Be Bought at a Drug Store.
If You Have Herpes,
Erectile Dysfuntion,
Menstrual Cramps,
Yeast Infection,
Heart Burn,
No One Cares.
Ask Your Physician;
Not Your TV
or the Side of a Bus.

'Nuff Said.

New Slogans:
Valtrex - For Happier Herpes.
Valtrex - Don't Spread the Love.
Valtrex - You've Pulled. She's Dirty. Grab Your Coat and Run!

Valtrex - I'm Done with You. Next!

This Ad Disturbs Me.
Visions of His Junk.
I Guess It's Better Than Back Hair.
Ugh, Thank God There Are No Ads for That.

New Slogan:
Cialis - The Quicker-Thicker-Picker Upper

Here's the Grand Prize

"I Can't Believe I Ate the Whole Thing."

This One Doesn't Disgust Me.
I Just Don't Care.
And Apparently...

It's Not Even Creatively Annoying.
Who Remakes a Commercial?
Whoever It Is...
Can Go.

New Slogan:
Alka-seltzer - Why Were You Even Eating at Hardee's?

Who Would You Rather 7

Gay-Cowboy-Ride-into-the-Sunset Edition

Heath Ledger


Jake Gyllenhaal?

Monday, January 30, 2006

It Can Go 5

It Can Go...

A Continued Attack on Rednecks!

You Call That Food!?

Just Because It's Edible
Doesn't Mean It Should Be Eaten

I'm Not a Vegetarian
By Any Means,
But I've Never Been So Hungry
That I Thought I Needed to Squeeze a Farm-load of Animals
onto a Bun.

Pfh! I Can't Do This Anymore.
I Have to Go Take Some Blood Thinners.
Hardee's, Have a Heart Attack, Already!

Who Would You Rather 6

Who Would You Rather...
The Fire-in-Jude's-Pants Dilemma

Sienna Miller
(The Fiancee)


Daisy Wright
(The Nanny)?

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Comprehensive Post

Providing Your Daily Suggested Serving of
All Major Vitamins and Nutrients Ain't Easy,
But I Think I Can Do It.

With the Help of this Guy.

OK. So, Now That You're Done Vomiting,
Feel Sad for This Guy.
He Will Never Find Someone to Love Him.
That Being Said, It's Game Time.

Who Would You Rather...
An If-the-Trailer-Is-Rockin'-It's-Already-Too-Late Conundrum

A Redneck with a Mullet Or

A Redneck with a Hairy Back?

Which Brings Me to...

It Can Go...

Rednecks, Please Leave.
Take Your Abominable Hairstyles,
Your Crummy Excuses for "Sports" (Read: NASCAR and Hunting/Fishing),
And Whatever Teeth You Have Left
And Flee...
Seriously, Am-scray.
Dude, Leave.
Don't Make Me Take This to Judge Judy.
Oh, Great, Now You Have a Boner.


You Are the Mullets of the Fashion World

Business in the Front; Party in the Back

You Can Go.

And Finally,

A Search for Bad Jokes about Mullets Left Me Empty-handed.
So Just Laugh at Them for the Joke That They Are.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

It Can Go 3


You're about as famous as Paris Hilton,
meaning your celebrity is fake.

In fact,

Paris Hilton...

You can go, too.

For real, you can go and die.

That would be hot.

Who Would You Rather 4

Whom Would You Rather...
Travel to Neverland with...

Michael Jackson


Jason Isaacs (Captain Hook)?

Who Would You Rather...
Singers-Make-Better-Sex-Offenders Edition

Michael Jackson


Gary Glitter?

Friday, January 27, 2006

Who Would You Rather 3

Whom Would You Rather...
Be Stranded on a Deserted Island with...

Evangeline Lily


Maggie Grace?

Bad Jokes 1

Q. Why is a Laundromat a really bad place to pick up a woman?

A. Because a woman who can't even afford a washing machine will probably never be able to support you.

A lady went into a butcher shop complaining about some hot dogs she had just bought. "The middle is meat," she exclaimed, "but the ends are sawdust!"

"Well," said the butcher, "these days it's hard to make ends meat."

Q. What's worse than a male chauvinist pig?

A. A woman who won't do what she's told.

A boy with down’s syndrome goes to the ice cream van and asks for an ice cream. The van driver asks, "What flavour would you like"?

The down’s-syndrome boy replies, "It doesn’t matter. I'm just going to drop it anyway."

Q. If a woman was hit by a motorcyclist, whose fault would it be?

A. The motorcyclist, of course! He should never have been riding his bike in the kitchen!

It Can Go 2

Pleated Pants...

Can Go.

No, no. If you're wearing pleated pants, don't take them off.
Just Go.
You can go, too.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Who Would You Rather 2

A Two-in-the-Butt Super Challenge!

Jude Law


Michael Vartan?

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

It Can Go 1

It Can Go...

Ugg Boots and Mini Skirts.

Who Would You Rather 1

Who Would You Rather...

Kelly Clarkson


Carrie Underwood?


Who: The Drink Your Dinner Gang
When: Tuesdays at Ten
Where: The Village Cafe
What: Three Courses of Pitchers of Brooklyn Brown Ale