Sunday, January 29, 2006

Comprehensive Post

Providing Your Daily Suggested Serving of
All Major Vitamins and Nutrients Ain't Easy,
But I Think I Can Do It.

With the Help of this Guy.

OK. So, Now That You're Done Vomiting,
Feel Sad for This Guy.
He Will Never Find Someone to Love Him.
That Being Said, It's Game Time.

Who Would You Rather...
An If-the-Trailer-Is-Rockin'-It's-Already-Too-Late Conundrum

A Redneck with a Mullet Or

A Redneck with a Hairy Back?

Which Brings Me to...

It Can Go...

Rednecks, Please Leave.
Take Your Abominable Hairstyles,
Your Crummy Excuses for "Sports" (Read: NASCAR and Hunting/Fishing),
And Whatever Teeth You Have Left
And Flee...
Seriously, Am-scray.
Dude, Leave.
Don't Make Me Take This to Judge Judy.
Oh, Great, Now You Have a Boner.


You Are the Mullets of the Fashion World

Business in the Front; Party in the Back

You Can Go.

And Finally,

A Search for Bad Jokes about Mullets Left Me Empty-handed.
So Just Laugh at Them for the Joke That They Are.


Blogger Andy Green said...

I commend this man for having been able to grow more hair on his back than he could on his face. I would assume he has no hair on his chest. Seeing as the hair seems to grow more fully towards the back of his body. Anyways, I would choose the mullet. It's like gonorrhea, it can be taken care of quickly, easily and permanently. Back hair's more like herpes. You can shave it, but there's always going to be another outbreak.

9:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1:10 AM  

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