Tuesday, January 31, 2006

It Can Go 6


Specifically Ads for Anything
That Can Be Bought at a Drug Store.
If You Have Herpes,
Erectile Dysfuntion,
Menstrual Cramps,
Yeast Infection,
Heart Burn,
No One Cares.
Ask Your Physician;
Not Your TV
or the Side of a Bus.

'Nuff Said.

New Slogans:
Valtrex - For Happier Herpes.
Valtrex - Don't Spread the Love.
Valtrex - You've Pulled. She's Dirty. Grab Your Coat and Run!

Valtrex - I'm Done with You. Next!

This Ad Disturbs Me.
Visions of His Junk.
I Guess It's Better Than Back Hair.
Ugh, Thank God There Are No Ads for That.

New Slogan:
Cialis - The Quicker-Thicker-Picker Upper

Here's the Grand Prize

"I Can't Believe I Ate the Whole Thing."

This One Doesn't Disgust Me.
I Just Don't Care.
And Apparently...

It's Not Even Creatively Annoying.
Who Remakes a Commercial?
Whoever It Is...
Can Go.

New Slogan:
Alka-seltzer - Why Were You Even Eating at Hardee's?


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