Friday, March 03, 2006

Games 5


Who Would Win in a Fight!?

Round 1:


Round 2:

Jean Claude van Dammevs.Steven Seagal?

Round 3:

Hillary Duffvs.A Smelly Sock?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Round 1... I'm gonna go with Eminem. Because we already saw that.

Round 2. Mmmmaaayyybee... Jean Claude... he could do some major damage yanking on Steven's pony tail.

Round 3... I think this would be a draw. Because Hilary Duff probably doesn't know how to do laundry. And yet the sock would be unable to worm its way out under the Prada and D&G.

10:26 PM  
Blogger Andy Green said...

Round 1: This one goes to Eminem without ever getting physical. Eminem will start freestylin' (poorly) about killing baby animals, and Moby will begin to cry and throw red paint at Em under the misconception that this is a deterrent to killing baby animals. Eminem's wraps up his rap and sits down to eat a big bucket of fried chicken, clearly unphased by the paint. Outraged, Moby storms off.

Round 2: I'll mark this as a draw. Fake karate moves only get you so far in a duel. These two incredibly macho characters will use the only move they only know, a round-house kick, against each other. Fight's over. Two ugly, talentless has-beens lie bloody and unconscious on the arena floor.

Round 3: Again, no physical violence. Only Hilary's tears when she realizes that this inanimate sock has more talent and appeals to a larger fan base than she does.

11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Round 1 -- I thought Eminem already kicked his ass. Or got someone else to do it anyway.

Round 2 -- Jean Claude -- only because I've heard Steven Segal is a pussy in real life.

Round 3 -- probably the smelly sock because, you know, they weigh about the same right now.

4:23 PM  

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